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An Unlikely Duet

Lelia M Silver’s first book was released towards the end of 2012. Many have enjoyed what has become the Unexpected Series. The first in the series is An Unlikely Duet.

An Unlikely Duet

Published August 23rd, 2012

Return to Pemberley five years after Pride and Prejudice…

Georgiana Darcy had almost resigned herself to living out her days as a loving aunt to her brother’s children when a fortuitous house party introduces her to Thaddeus Crosby. He is handsome, kind, and intelligent; in short, everything she could desire in a husband. Their romance is just beginning to bud when they are forced to separate- he to London; she to Pemberley.

Can their unproven love last through the cold winter months apart and bloom anew when they meet again in London? Or will Georgiana’s crippling shyness amongst company and a malicious debutante out to win Thaddeus for herself separate them forever?

Available on: Amazon | Apple | Nook | Kobo

An Unlikely DuetUnexpected Series

By Lelia M. Silver

Categories: Pride and Prejudice Continuations, Romance, Historical

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“The notes flowed from her fingers easier than any words every could. They conveyed her thoughts and feelings with greater clarity than she ever would have been able to express. She only hoped that he could understand the language.”

An Unlikely Duet